[ บทความ : Stack machine ] |
Stack machine concept
* Use stack memory-temporary memory, from ALU operator
* Use L/S (Load/Store) Architecture
A = 2 B = 3 A = A + B
80x86 assembly coding
MOV AL,2 ; AL = 2 MOV BL,3 ; BL = 3 ADD Al,BL ; AL = AL + BL
My stack machine assembly
LDI 3 ; Push 3 LDI 2 ; Push 2 ADD ; Pop ordered 2,3 and push the result 2+3 to stack again STD A ; Pop 5 (Result) to memory at AHow it work!
My stack machine goal
* 8 Bit processor : (Compatible to Z80/Z180/MCS51/68HC11 processor. I want to make the virtual machine.)
* 16 KB MEMORY : CODE + DATA - 12 KB , STACK - 4 KB
* Load/Store Architecture
* 8/16 Data processing : Math and Logic. example ... addition, subtract, multiply, divide, and, or, not (complement), xor, shift-LEFT/RIGHT, rotate-LEFT/RIGHT
* Minimum instruction
Instruction design
2 Format - Zero address / 1's Address
Addressing mode
* Immediate
* Direct
* Indirect
How to do it better
* High speed memory / Bus
* Real-time processing
* Pipe-Line 2 state
Next step?
1. Write program-monitor for Z80/Z180, MCS-51, 68HC11
2. Pipe-line processing.
This paper is Computer Architecure course's assignment (Year 2000 - KMUTT Computer Engineering) .
Instructor : Dr.Prabhas Chongstitvatana , (Department of Computer Engineering Chulalongkorn University)
> Full paper [stack.pdf - 52.3 KB] / [stack.zip - 42.0 KB]
> Source + Execute + Sample [stkmc.zip - 95.0 KB]
> Pico JAVA chip [picojava.pdf - 54.0 KB] / [picojava.zip - 45.1 KB]